I must say I am
exceedingly lucky to have not only seen a Himalayan Griffon but was at a
touching distance!! It so happened I was at Corbett in Kumaon, and also so
happened that a Himalayan Griffon had injured itself and was in care at a local
resort. I need point here that the forest officials have been quite callous and
don’t seem to be concerned or shall I say bothered, it is individual or group
effort and care that see these incidents have positive end. And finally, it so
happened that on the day of my visit the Vulture was set to be released. Wow.
So here I was incredibly excited and facing the Himalayan Griffon. What a
massive bird. It seems that the vulture had started to like the place and
refused to budge out of the confinement despite much prodding by the volunteer
in protective gear. The bird surely is aggressive. They left the door open and
I trained my camera standing at a distance…minutes passed it won’t come out and
so I went near the door and lo the bird hops out and few long strides was up
and away, in the melee I forgot to take the picture. Geez. But must say the
bird truly is a beauty, what an amazing sight. Some of these vultures have wingspan
as long as 10ft. My good luck was on a long leash, the bird alighted on a tall
tree few hundred metres away. So we crept up to the tree, and I got some really
wonderful pictures. Later the bird was seen soaring the sky thousands of feet
up, how exhilarating indeed.
The Himalayan
Griffon Vulture (Gyps Himalayensis)
inhabits in mountains of the higher regions of the Himalayas, the
Pamirs, Kazakhstan and on the Tibetan Plateau between 1500 and 4000 metres of
elevation. It performs altitudinal movements during winter, and frequent lower
areas while the young birds wander down onto plains (the above is a juvenile).
The Himalayan Griffon Vulture is the largest of the genus Gyps. They feed only
on carrion and gather around carcasses located by soaring and gliding over
large areas with their keen eyesight. They find mention in the history of the
Tibetan culture as the dead bodies were left to be fed by these Vultures during
the very cold periods of the year. The frozen soil did not allow burying the
dead. I am sure we are aware of practices by Parsis, but those are mostly
White-rumped or Indian Vulture (long billed).
Pant: the voice from Kumaon hills

brahmand chadi udi kamar ki dwi tuti pada
meh athi dah ye bhakath ch meri khabar ko karon
ija babjyu kaka sun sabbai mishri khana su daiyo
dudh sithab pran udni ha ram yo meh maryu
Oh the universe
behold my waist has broken into two
My soul breaks
away and takes wing
My eyes burns, Oh
is there no one to look after me
Mother, father,
uncle …hear O hear
I’ve fallen, I’ve
hurt, don’t you see?
Give me sugar
candy to eat
Oh quick I say,
fetch milk, hurry –
Otherwise I will
die, Oh Ram, I am done!
This poem is whispering of fruits
called Kafals (myrica esculanta) that yields small pea size stone fruit. The
colour of the ripening fruit is pink, which gradually turns darker.
layak indra ka hum chiya bhulok ayi pada
me lag yo pahad hamri tthathi rachi dev lai
chithe bhichari kafal sabai ratha bhay krodh lai
aur buda khuda sharm lai neela dhumaila bhaya
We are created for indra, the
king of gods
But unfortunately dropped down
Among the mortals here
And even here, on this planet
We are made to dwell on these rugged
How unfair is the play of the
Thinking thus in their hearts
against god’s injustice
All the kafals turn red in fury
And yet others, who were old and
Turned dusty blue in utter
Gumani lived
during the period of turmoil as the colonialism was taking its root in the
subcontinent. Colonial Britain was spreading its tentacles through East India
Company, he verses makes the irony a satire
angrej kahan se aya kon wathan meh rahta hai
aye ke raj kare sab lok isi ko chahath hai
boop isi ka tej na koi sahta hai
honi na rahe hue bin suno Gumani kahta hai
Where from does
the British hail? Which homeland is his abode?
And where does he
reign? People even try to seek favour from them
No Indian prince can
face his fierce might
Says Gumani, it
was thus ordained: whatever is to happen will happen
Here is one poem
that talks of good times and opulence
nimbu akhod dhadim rikhu naring adho dahi
bhath jamoli ko kalkalo bhuna ghadera ghaba
sangh uthyol dhudh bhaklo thyu gaay ko dhanodhar
Khani sunder mauniya daphduva gangawali roaniya
Banana, lemon, walnut,
pomegranate, sugarcane, orange, ginger and abundant curd
Arum in dried leaves, tender
stalks and corns, aromatic rice baked beaten flat or boiled
Thick delicious milk of cows and
granular butter indeed
Big cakes of rice powder fried in
clarified butter
That is what they eat, the people
of gangawali
According to
UNESCO’s list of languages Kumaoni is placed under unsafe category -which
requires consistent conservation efforts. Kumaoni is one of the Pahari language (other being Garhwali),
and is very much influenced by now extinct Khasas language. It has many dialects (about 20 recorded) that
change with the region.
Jim Corbett: a
hunter turned conservator, naturalist, a writer, a magnificent fellow
Corbett Park is the oldest wildlife sanctuary in the country, it is a tribute
to Jim Corbett. The man had a colossal presence in Kumaon region, born in Nainital
(1875-1955) he was instrumental in initiatives for conservation effort.

I came to know
about Sultana daku in 1997-98 from
‘punditji’ who runs a sweet shop in alley of Karol bagh. There were three
elderly people running the shop those days, averaging an age of 80, the owner
who sat at the counter in Gandhi cap, the waiter cum does-everything-else man
and finally the cook. Now though the waiter survives aging 85, still serving
delicious, rather subtle sweet sandesh, from
palm jaggery and milk concentrate. The shop has a long history; started in 1940
it has seen many ups and downs. Nehru and Patel, yes Jawaharlal and Sardar, were
regulars. Till three decades back the shop supplied sweets to power that be,
including Pranab Mukerjee (who now is President of the country). I have spent
hours and hours of lazy afternoons in this shop, mostly reading some books I
carried. In the meanwhile Punditji regaled me with the stories from the past,
of Sardar Patel who once came rushing in his jeep and asked punditji to come
with him, and then he takes off…the problem being he keeps repeating the
stories. One of the stories he narrated
was about Sultana daku. Punditji
hails from Nainital, when he was about 10, the family went for a pilgrimage
trek to haridwar, for darshan. They
hid the currency coins in flour that they carried to prepare food on the way,
as was the custom those days. They were attacked by the dacoits and things
looted, as they were ruing their fate came Sultana daku riding on his horse and demanded what happened. On hearing he
not only compensated for their loss but also gave them his share as offering to
god. Another story of how Sultana looted only rich, in this case a moneybag
named Karak singh, and the daring tactic he used apart from his benevolent
nature towards poor made him part of local folklore. Sultana notified the
fellow the hour he would come to loot, and came dressed as a cop in the guise
of protection and cleaned up the coffer!!

book My India opens with a dedication
that includes “…in my India, the India I know, there are four hundred million
people, ninety per cent of whom are simple, honest, brave, loyal, hard working
souls whose daily prayer to God, and to whatever government is in power, is to
give them security of life and of property to enable them to enjoy the fruits
of their labours. It is of these people, who are admittedly poor, and who are
often described as ‘India’s starving millions’, among whom I have lived and
whom I love, that I shall endeavor to tell in the pages of this book, which I
humbly dedicate to my friends, the poor of India.”