This blog happens to be my hundredth!!! I actually started this site with the intention of snapping 100birds and it took me about two years. Along the way i included poets and so on, not intended just happened and i am surely not complaining. It brings birds, poets&poems, photography (though it’s not my forte and nowadays the technology is so advanced that you just have to focus and click!), travelling, and of course writing (i seem to be enjoying this- to convert images into words). First hundred birds looks like a relatively easy task, it’s going to get tough from here on as i move towards rarer species. Further the poets and poems i discuss needs some time, since i believe you got to thoroughly understand them before venturing to write. So my blogs are going to get fewer, though i will try to keep up with it. I found from the stats that few hundred people visit the blog every week, considering that my posting averages one per week this isn’t really bad, but more than numbers i prefer people who show concern for nature. Also i love it when i find people from far countries visit, it’s a very special feeling.
How this blog will change in future i wouldn’t know, hopefully it’s going to be much interesting. Recently i did try to include bit of travelogue, i realise giving logistical detail is not enough. I found that when i searched for places i wanted to visit there aren’t many websites and whatever description is rather sketchy. Also i would like to upgrade my lens, it can be really be frustrating when you reach a place after much travelling and then lucky enough to spot a bird but not able to get proper pictures, it has happened many times. Matters of money though are dependent quite firmly on my chances at turf club!!
I am leaving this blog with something from ‘books’ that are an influence to millions and millions of common people through the ages not only at the level of faith as also ideas and written words. In my mid 20s i flipped through Bhagvad Gita as also Bible, difficult to say whether there was an influence but yes insightful, definitely perspectives one never gave much importance. The other day i spend lots of time going through these (for the purpose of this blog, i really want it to be done before the year ends!), and found some new meanings. At level of written words these really are spectacular. Here a shloka from Karma Yoga (Chapter 3, verse 21), and Proverb 3.13-18 from Bible. Of course there are many insightful lines but i leave with these long then and a happy new year to all the readers of this blog
“Whatever action is performed by a great person, common people follow in his or her

If only elite section understands their responsibilities in an overwhelmingly poor country, Indian political leaders follow a bit of this than snarling at each other for short term gains. Sometimes this blogger feels people don’t deserve Bhagvad Gita as much as spirit of Bible has nothing really about Christianity. Indeed there is an attempt to look into these through market requirements and management needs!!
Happy are those who find wisdom,
and those who get understanding,
for her income is better than silver,
and her revenue better than gold.
She is more precious than jewels,
and nothing you desire can compare with her.
Long life is in her right hand;
in her left hand are riches and honour.
Her ways are ways of pleasantness,
and all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her;
those who hold her fast are called happy
(Bible: Proverb 1.13-18)
a scribble...
How often have i seen you in my garden
in all shades of colours and moods
sulking in winter, joyous in spring,
trifle upset in humid summer
all the while about the same
in my sight
even when cut and offered as love
or sliced into garland for the god.